Hibiki Path Advisors (“Hibiki” or “We”), a value-oriented engagement investor, sent a proposal letter to the board of MatsukiyoCocokara & Co.(“MCC”) with request measures related to disclosures on strategic direction as well as the way to think about dividends including the idea of quarterly dividends, on 5 January 2023.
2022 was a year MCC’s corporate value increased significantly by synergy from M&A between Matsumotokiyoshi Group and Cocokarafine Group materializing. As a long-term investor and shareholder of MCC, we are extremely happy to see this value enhancement but will continue on our constructive engagement activities.
This letter does not constitute a solicitation to subscribe for, or a recommendation to buy or sell, any specific securities, nor does it constitute investment, legal, tax, accounting, or any other advice of any kind.
Letter to MatsukiyoCocokara & Co. BUSINESS WIRE press release
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