On December 4, 2022, Yuya Shimizu, Representative Director and Chief Investment Officer of Hibiki Path Advisors (“Hibiki”), assumed the position of Outside Director of a portfolio company, FUJI SOFT INCORPORATED (“Fuji Soft”)
Hibiki is very grateful to the shareholders’ support which was demonstrated by the high approval rate of 99.28% at the EGM held on the same day. We received the recommendation of both 3D Investment Partners, the largest shareholder, and Fuji Soft. In his career as an investor, Yuya has been sincerely dealing with the capital market and real estate investment market for many years. Based on his experience, he is fully commited to shareholder-value-enhancement at Fuji Soft.
Hibiki engages with companies deeply, and does constructive and candid discussions with the management both publicly and privately. Through Yuya’s appointment as a board member of one of our investee companies, Hibiki reaffirms our determination to contribute to the evolution of Japanese corporate governance into the Board 3.0 phase and to increase value in Japanese companies.