Hibiki Path Advisors(”Hibiki”)made a presentation (link below) on March 15th, to President FURUKAWA Kenichi at Sodick Co.,Ltd. (”Sodick”).
Hibiki has been investing in Sodick for more than three years and maintaining sound and deep relationship with top managements of the company including President Furukawa. Both parties have had a dozen constructive dialogues. In February 2022 Sodick disclosed ROE target and this was one of requests Hibiki has repeatedly asked and proposed.
As Hibiki Investment News has reported in the past, Sodick is a global leader in extremely technology-intensive field of Electrical Discharge Machines (EDM) led by passionate President Furukawa, with policy of 2% DOE and flexible share buybacks. Although Sodick shows a progressive, proactive attitude towards capital markets, the company’s stock has been traded below 1.0x P/B for a long period of time. Hibiki believes the stock market is not properly evaluating the full potential of the company.
Hibiki has a strong concern that a great company like Sodick is not under a spotlight in the midst of herding behavior in the market (irrational crowding), that is why we conducted this presentation to introduce best practices of IR strategies implemented especially by our portfolio companies, and encourage more aggressive appeals to market participants.
This document nor this disclosure does not constitute an offer, recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell any security or enter into any other transaction. Hibiki does not purport to provide any investment, financial, legal or other expert advice or recommendation in this document.
PROPOSAL FOR IR IMPROVEMENT Investee Introduction (only in Japanese):Sodick(6143)