Hibiki Path Advisors Website

Equity investing and advisory business


 Hibiki Path Advisorsで最高投資責任者を務めさせていただいております清水雄也と申します。 ようこそ弊社のウェブサイトにお越しくださいました。 Hibiki Path Advisorsはシンガポールの登録資産運用会社(Registered Fund Management Company)として2016年3月より営業を開始し、機関投資家及び個人の皆様より資金をお預かりし、投資運用業務を行っております。/ Dear clients and investors, My name is Yuya Shimizu, the Chief Investment Officer of Hibiki Path Advisors. Thank you very much for visiting our website. We at Hibiki Path Advisors are value investors that specialize in Japanese equities. We launched our humble investment management and advisory business in March 2016 as a registered fund management company (RFMC) in Singapore,

Hibiki’s Investment Philosophy

The essence of Hibiki’s investment approach is

eloquently captured

in the below poem written by Rikyu Sen

"The mountain of flowers in full bloom, The crown jewel of which is to be approached,

Not through the path trodden by the mass, But through a hidden path in oblivion"

Hibiki Singapore Office

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