Last week, we made a visit to KAWAI Musical Instruments Manufacturing Co., Ltd., (“KAWAI”) one of our core investments t...
In October 2024, Yuya Shimizu, Chief Investment Officer of Hibiki Path Advisors (“Hibiki” “us” or “we”), has written the...
On September 9th, 2024, Hibiki submitted a letter titled “Request for Consideration of Privatization” to the board of di...
On 28th June, Hibiki Path Advisors (hereafter referred to as "Hibiki" and "we") held a meeting with the IR department of...
Hibiki Path Advisors (hereafter "Hibiki" or "We") made a shareholder proposal regarding the appropriation of retained ea...
Hibiki Path Advisors (hereinafter referred to as "Hibiki" or "we") made a shareholder proposal regarding the appropriati...
Hibiki Path Advisors (hereinafter referred to as "Hibiki" or "we") made shareholder proposals for Item No.3 (Partial Ame...
Hibiki Path Value Fund (hereinafter referred to as “HPVF”), which has a discretionary investment contract with Hibiki Pa...